Marie Lindszewski
Marie Janiszewski holds a Master’s Degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Naropa University. With a concentration in mindfulness-based transpersonal counseling, Marie orients toward the wisdom within every person, which often lies below the realm of logical thinking. She holistically engages each client in accessing their own keys to insight and healing.
Marie has training in trauma-informed somatic approaches, including Hakomi, Somatic Experiencing, and Indigenous Focusing-Oriented therapies. Integrating these body-based practices with her training in partswork, including Gestalt and Internal Family Systems therapies, Marie welcomes the many dimensions that make each client who they are.
She believes that the same difficult emotions that cause humans to suffer are also the gateways to greater resilience, insight, strength, and connection. Marie supports her clients in turning toward their experience in a therapeutic manner so they may explore and discover that which heals and gives meaning to their life.
In her free time, Marie loves to paint, dance, hike, bike, share meals with family and friends, surf (yes, even in New York), grow vegetables, and travel. She is dedicated to a daily meditation practice, and has attended many week-long silent meditation retreats in the insight (Vipassana) tradition. She also pursues research in the fields of nutrition, environmental health, and psychology.