Welcome, Brooklynites! How are you all doing? As residents of one of the most distinctive and diverse neighborhoods in the world, we know that Brooklyn’s unique character also brings complex challenges. Sadly, the pandemic has amplified mental health concerns, particularly in our most vulnerable areas, leaving many of our neighbors struggling with unaddressed mental health issues. Let’s work together to support each other and prioritize our collective well-being.
Our borough is known for its resilience, but we recognize that even the most resilient among us can benefit from support, especially when it comes to mental health. That’s why, in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, Love & Kindness Wellness Services is proud to launch #aBetterBK – a new mental health initiative in Brooklyn. Our goal is to destigmatize mental health issues, provide education and resources to the community, and address the longstanding disparities that have affected our area. Let’s come together to promote wellness and create a better, healthier Brooklyn
Campaign Video
Our initiative is committed to empowering underrepresented communities to prioritize their mental health and well-being. We aim to equip individuals with the tools and knowledge necessary to effectively manage their mental health, enabling them to take control of their own wellness. By doing so, we hope to promote greater equity and better outcomes for all members of our community.
What to expect?
- Free Mental Health Community Events
- Informative Blog Content
- Social Media Tips
- First Annual Love & Kindness Day in Brooklyn
How can you join the movement?
- Follow us on Instagram
- RSVP for one of our wellness workshops
- Use the Hashtag #aBetterBK in your social media post

Who do we serve?
If you’re an individual or non-profit group seeking a supportive community without judgment, we encourage you to explore our list of free mental health and wellness resources. Our commitment is to ensure that no one is turned away and that everyone has access to the support they need. We are here for you, and we invite you to join us in prioritizing mental health and wellness.
● Youth/Teen Support Group
● Caretaker/Doula
● Supporting our Elderly
● Black Women Speak (Support Circle)
● Black Men Speak (Support Circle)
#aBetterBK has also partnered with EastNewYork.com, HealthyNYC.com and several local agencies to deliver a series of Informative blogs and activities planned throughout the year. The initiative has already garnered support from local community leaders, mental health advocates, and concerned citizens who are eager to address the mental health crisis in Brooklyn.
Let’s get better together!
Welcome to #aBetterBK, now let’s spread the word!
Follow our Instagram page for more updates!